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Why Brevity is the soul of Wit

“The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two words when one will do”, a quote by  Thomas Jefferson says it all but is it applicable all the time? Read on.

Your job doesn’t end once you’ve created a post. It is just the begining. Once the post is complete, let it rest. Get back to it after sometime to see it afresh.

Go through the post with a fresh mind and a fresher perspective. See where you can make relevant changes, use better words, re-phrase sentences. This will help take your copy from being just a draft to a copy that sells.

Redundancy can help sometimes

Editing a post includes deleting redundant words and sentences. But it isn’t as straightforward as it seems. Even to omit, one needs to think very wisely because the words are linked together. So in a way being redunant can, sometimes be useful because it forces you to better your copy.

Write what readers like to read

It is not always about being grammatically correct. A lot of times conversations on the Internet are dominated by colloquial language instead of high grammar. This is because colloquial language is the language of the people which allows bending grammar rules. For example couple words are commonly used. These are redundant and many grammarians classify them under wrong usage. However, their use is so common that now the right and the wrong hardly matters for the simple reason that everyone’s doing it.

Words like ATM machine, added bonus, end result, past history etc. are examples of couple words. You may have heard them slide even through perfectly constructed exchanges.

Brian Clark, founder of Copyblogger has put together a great post on how brevity is a killer sometimes. Read through it at:

Brian’s post is contrary to the glorification of brevity you’ll find here but it still makes sense to read the post in continuity to this one to understand the relevance of balance and what does it take to make brevity the soul of wit.


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