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Work From Home Tips: Cuebies Edition

Hello! To our CueBlocks Family (from the other side). As you all must know by now, the world is rattled by the booming COVID-19 outbreak. As professionals around the globe move their operations to the safety of their own homes, the CueTeam has also settled in well into their home offices. These are indeed strange times and we are all the more driven to maintain a healthy work-life balance while providing uninterrupted services to our clients and all those who are looking for some big wins to get their business through these tough times. 

Back in the days, when Work-From-Home was a luxury given by companies to employees who were unable to come to work due to certain circumstances has now become the new normal for almost everyone. Yes, working in the same space where you go on about your personal life can become quite challenging. The lines between the office & home are blurred, making it difficult to switch off from either and step into the other. Having done our research on the hindrances caused by working remotely, we are all set to see each other in the virtual world, facilitating an office-like environment. 

Work Form Home - CueBlocks

So far, the Cuebies have picked their favorite spot in the house and transformed it into their own quaint, little workspace. One week into the WFH culture, they’d like to share their checklist of secrets on being productive while working from home – 

  • Setting Boundaries

No commute time means that your workspace is only a few steps away from your warm & cozy bed. The important thing to keep in mind in this situation is to draw the boundaries beforehand. Have a conversation with yourself and your family about your work timings. And try to stick to it as much as possible. Regardless of your workspace, you’re still working according to your company’s schedule. 

  • Declutter The Clutter

We often tend to disregard the cleanliness of our offices because we don’t have to do it ourselves. But, at home, especially if you stay alone, your house could look like a hot mess on most days. Make sure you throw out or put away everything that you don’t need. Set-up a minimalistic home office so you have lesser distractions. We like to keep a notepad, some pens, a highlighter, a bottle of water, and a leafy green companion (favorite plant).

  • The Daily Agenda

Forgot that really important email you had to send out and nobody around to remind you? Well, now that you’ll be spending a lot of time working from your home office, your beloved colleagues might not always be around to knock on your desk to ask about that super important report or email either. Make a list of your own, if you don’t do it already. Making a to-do list for the day ensures that you end up checking off all or most of the points by the end of the day, thereby making sure that you remain as productive as possible. 

  • My Best OOTD

Since the Spring season is here, we’re super excited about this one. We’re not letting this lockdown bring down our zest for the fresher air, blooming flowers, and pleasant sunlight of this beautiful season. Pick your favorite spring/summer outfits and flaunt them around the house to your family before you sit down to work. This will definitely give you the feeling of going to work as you would normally. 

  • Let There Be Light

This one is especially for the ones who prefer to be left alone when they work. Don’t get tempted by the comfort of your bed & the dim lighting in your bedroom. We promise you that you won’t get any work done this way. Instead, as soon as you wake up, draw the curtains and let the sunshine motivate you to get started with your day. 

  • Tring! Tring! Take A Break! 

Missing your office coffee machine? Homemade coffee smells & tastes even better. But, we all know it was the coffee machine chatter that actually counted as a true break in the office. Since you’ll be home for the next few days as well, make sure you are not sitting on your behind all day long. Set up a break reminder for every 1 hour and give your office bestie a ring on the old phone to catch up on the hot & happening.

  • Virtual Catching-Up

If you don’t want to turn into a zombie at the end of this tumultuous time, then make sure you are staying in touch with your friends as well over video calls. Plan and take your breaks together or even cook together or just casual chit chats. Seeing your friends daily will definitely help in overcoming the isolation blues. 

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With each passing day, as we get more accustomed to this new trend of working together but from our own homes, we feel much closer & stronger as a team. We’re keeping our spirits high and getting high on our stocked up spirits as well on our days off. More importantly, we are looking forward to seeing each other and the world, emerge from this just as strong & benevolent. So, wherever you are working from, we humbly request you to stay home, stay safe, & stay healthy!

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