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CueBlocks’ New-Cube-on-the-Block Celebrations

September 13th 2010, is a day that will not go down CueBlocks‘ memory lane like a popped out soap bubble but like those beaded bubbles blinking in a champagne glass – the ones that tinkle in the cheers and the woo-hoos! This was the day when the cuebies finally got to enjoy their new favorite haunt – read the new swanky (we will get to the ‘swank’ part in a while) floor of CueBlocks office which now spans 2 floors!

The new floor had been under construction for some months now and we all were waiting for it to complete with abated breath. The cuebies knew well that it’s definitely going to be bigger, better and even browner! :) So the unveiling was done and we were all blown away by its minimalist architecture, the bipartite division with the stark sleek work section and the swanky and amazing recreation area built as a lounge with a pool table and tennis table, bean bags, bookshelves and a coffee machine that dispenses other delicious beverages (non-alcoholic only :P ) too!!

New Addition to CueBlocks

CueTeam in the New Space

Cheers to the New Block!

Now this awesome space demanded a justified celebration and all the cuebies were up for a never before Black-Tie get together! But before we slipped into cocktail dresses or tuxedos, we wanted to thank the Almighty and pray to him to keep blessing CueBlocks to stumble upon milestone after milestone!

So the schedule was set for September 13th 2010 – Morning prayers and evening a small get together of Cuebies along with their family. Please note that these celebrations were only among the cuebies and the Grand Affair is still to come near Diwali.

Coming back to our small scale stepping-into-new-zone celebrations. The morning saw a prayer ceremony to mark the auspicious occasion where our family members participated to pray and congratulate us. It was a nice spiritual experience to pray together for CueBlocks and thank God for being so kind and even pestered him to remain that way :)

After the introspective and spiritual prayers we all got together for a sumptuous lunch amidst the nouveau ambiance and felt happy to the core inaugurating the pool table and trying our hands on table tennis! The feeling was amazing with lots of excitement for the evening affair. You could feel the buzz with the inquiries like what-to-wear streaming through the office until the time finally arrived to roll out the red carpet for the gentlemen and ladies literally dressed to kill!


If You're Happy Then You Clap Your Hands

Clubs Couldn’t Handle That!

So it was better to have it at the new haunt. We all gathered in the evening at the recreation zone for some uptown fun and was that great or what! The evening that slowly walked into the night was one of revelations. First, everyone was bowled over to see each other dressed so elegantly and walking with an air of finesse – upholding the theme for the evening down to its nerve.

Then as the time moved, the music thumped and the tasty food found some palates – the wildness began and all the cuebies broke into a dance to remember. It was literally an amusing and fun shock to see people who move fingers on computers all day long can break a fine leg on the floor :) .


Smiles All the Way

Don’t know if it was a well kept secret or a neglected piece of info but there are some really good shakers and movers at CueBlocks. So we don’t think we can dance because now we do and the next party will definitely involve some dancing. :)

The night ended on a cheery note and there were huge smiles on everyone’s faces (not the drunk but the hearty ones). Everyone enjoyed the fruit that their labor bore and bid goodbyes only to meet the next day and eat together (shying away from conservations of the former evening, yet managing a sheepish smile at any mention) at the same place that held happiness the night before.

P.S – Let the pictures tell you more :)


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