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You Knew Them But Didn't Apply – 10 Spectacular Ways to Write Better Headlines

HeadlinesWhether in Google search, an e-mail newsletter or in a feature on another website, your first interaction with a write up is via the ‘Headline’.

A headline is not only structurally indispensable but extremely crucial to provide both the writer and the reader the first common base to ground each of their’s perspective. For a writer the fate of the article depends on headline and for the reader it is the deciding factor for whether he or she will stay or move on to the next write up or article. A writer writes so that a reader can read but a reader will only read if the headline is able to stop him or her in their endless content lapping crusade on the the Internet.

Before the article can impress it is the headline of your post that does the talking! So, in all probabilities, the headline of your post should be attention-seeking (yes unlike us, headlines are better off demanding attention), interactive, intriguing and persuasive.

Target Audience1) Your struggle to give your post a catchy headline shall haunt you until you don’t identify your target audience! Know your readers and target them using IMPACTING headlines.

Eg. What Every Mom-To-Be Should Look For In Maternity Wear

Numbers2) You know a number of ways to write more sellable headlines, use numbers in headlines too and not just any number but an unusual one, beyond the 5s and the 10s (like in the example). Numbers INTRIGUE.

Eg. 11 Ways to Market Your Store Better on Social Media

Secret Ways3) You know or probably don’t, the many secret ways of effective headline writing. Being secretive always ATTRACTS. Reveal something that others might not know is always going to get you more views. Using the word secret in a headline is a great idea to make readers click.

Eg. The Secret SEO Formula for a Successful Online Presence Revealed

Negate4) Only a writer knows how a degenerative thought can UNDERMINE an article! That Negative hint in a headline can stop and make many think of the damage that could happen if something goes wrong.

Eg. What NOT to do when Promoting Businesses online

Provoke5) Provoke your readers! PROVOCATION is motivating for a reader. It will push their interest and motivate them enough to read through your article. And one thing that you should know as well that the clear and present danger to your article is a headline that does not provoke but makes the reader PROCRASTINATE. Stay clear from such headlines that a reader is likely keep for later. Inspire the ‘READ NOW’ mode in readers.

Eg. Get Ready For More Likes, Views & Love From Your Audience Today!

Tips & Tricks6) Offer them Tips & Tricks in the headlines and spill some magic beans that readers were not aware of until now. Definitely CLICKABLE.

Eg. 3 Quick Tips to Bolster Your Blog!

Questions7) What is the most important thing to do before publishing content online? Now that’s an important question. Questions WORK. Ask questions in headlines that a reader would want answers to.

Eg. Does Social Media Matter for your Business?

Adjectives & Adverbs8) ‘Killer’, ‘Revolutionary’, ‘Mind Boggling’, ‘Ultimate’, ‘Amazing’ etc. are the words that make reader click and stick. I love how Copyblogger uses them in their articles. Hit your readers with adjectives and adverbs. Be a little DRAMATIC.

Eg. Make Your Blog Extra-ordinarily Readable with these Unique Tips

Command Attention9) Sometimes it’s better when we get a command from the editor, especially when we get laid back with a write up. Commanding the attention of the audience is hitting the bull’s eye! When you command, you are in a way AUTHENTICATED in return.

Eg. Why What We Tell You About Marketing Matters to You

Benefits10) I would be more than happy to know the benefits of writing on paper than punching keys. Benefits are VALUE-ADDITIVE. Every person in this world will pay attention to something which is useful to them.

Eg. Benefits of Investing Time, Effort & Money in Online Branding

You knew these ideas all through, just that they were deeply buried under the heap of other important thoughts that are utilized in creating the body of the article. So these handy tips will come in handy when nothing else strikes!


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