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GSC’s Robots.txt tester can be wrong

Yes, you read that right and no it is not a clickbait!

This is the first time I have encountered an issue with GSC’s robots.txt tester. The tool claimed the URL(s) was blocked in robots.txt checker but as per URL inspector tool, GSC Crawl Stats and server logs, the page(s) were getting crawled.

The Back Story

While working on the monthly crawls for one of our clients we noticed that the crawler was taking too long for some reason. We had witnessed a spider trap on this particular project and wondered if it might have popped up again.

The URL(s) in question were a particular pattern of parameterized URLs generated from the faceted navigation. Something that you could find easily on most Ecommerce sites.

This was a medium sized site with around 3000+ pages with URLs generated from faceted navigation blocked intentionally.

With Screaming Frog crawler set to respect robots.txt, parameterized URLs wouldn’t be crawled normally. This hinted there was a problem with robots.txt instructions.

Please note: We’ll only discuss Googlebot in this article.

Reviewing the problem in GSC’s robots.txt 

The first obvious check was using the GSC’s robots.txt tester to verify if the URLs were indeed blocked or not in the robots.txt.

As shown in the screenshot below, GSC’s robots.txt tester says the URL pattern is blocked for Googlebot.

URL is blocked in robots.txt
URL is blocked in robots.txt

What does GSC URL Inspector Tool say

After the robots.txt tester says it’s blocked, the next check was to review the URL in the URL Inspector tool.

As shown in the screenshot below, the URL inspector says Crawl Allowed as Yes.

URL is blocked by robots.txt tester but allowed by GSC URL Inspector
The same URL is allowed in GSC URL Inspector – Image 2

GSC Crawl Stats and Server Logs Data

So far it was looking like the URL(s) pattern in question can be crawled by Google. GSC’s Coverage reports already suggested that the URL had been crawled a while back.

However, can be crawled != is crawled.

Next step – confirm if the URL pattern was actually getting crawled by Googlebot or not actively.

As you will find in the screenshots below, both GSC Crawl Stats and Server Logs suggest the URLs were getting crawled.

GSC Crawl Stats show URLs blocked in robots.txt getting crawled
GSC’s Crawl Stats show URLs with the similar pattern were getting crawled – Image 3
terminal command to count occurrence of pattern in urls crawled by googlebot
Terminal command to count the occurrence of a particular pattern in a document – Image 4

The above command in terminal counts the occurrence of string “param_color” in the log file “googlebot.log”

The real issue in robots.txt instructions

All evidence points to the fact that these URLs were getting crawled and it was undesired.

To confirm I tested the robots.txt instructions without any changes on two other external validators.

One of them marked the URL as allowed.

The other one marked it as blocked just like GSC’s robots.txt tester.

Here are the original instructions and the parameter in question is “param_color”.

User-agent: *

User-agent: AhrefsBot
User-agent: dotbot
User-agent: Yandex
User-agent: MJ12bot
User-agent: SemrushBot
Crawl-delay: 5

User-agent: msnbot
User-agent: bingbot
Crawl-delay: 1

#Parameter handling
Disallow: *?param_color=*

… #Rest of the instructions which do no matter here

Clearly, the issue was how the instructions were grouped.

As per robots.txt specifications related to grouping, the above instructions mean that all instructions after #Parameter handling apply only to the third user group i.e.

User-agent: msnbot
User-agent: bingbot
Crawl-delay: 1

This would mean the instruction Disallow: *?param_color=* doesn’t apply to Googlebot.

However, if you test these instructions on GSC’s robots.txt tester, it shows the URL will be blocked for Googlebot as shown in image 1 above.

Our assumption is that since Googlebot doesn’t consider “crawl-delay” the robots.txt tester behaves as if the crawl-delay instructions do not exist. One can say GSC’s robots.txt tester sees it like this:

User-agent: *

User-agent: AhrefsBot
User-agent: dotbot
User-agent: Yandex
User-agent: MJ12bot
User-agent: SemrushBot

User-agent: msnbot
User-agent: bingbot

#Parameter handling
Disallow: *?param_color=*

… #Rest of the instructions which do no matter here

Note: extra line breaks without any instructions are of no meaning and are discarded. This entire instruction set is treated as one single group by GSC robots.txt tester.

However, in reality, Googlebot reads the crawl-delay line and understands it is a logical instruction but simply chooses to ignore it. This makes it obey the grouping rules stated in the specifications.

The fix was simple after this discovery. Repeat the group of instructions for each of the three groups.

We tested the URL in the URL Inspector tool to ensure the fix was legit. Once the URL inspector validated that the URL can be crawled, we updated the robots.txt.

To Summarize

This interesting case is an example of how there is a mismatch between what GSC’s robots.txt says and how the actual Googlebot behaves. If you feel a URL is getting crawled even though it is blocked in robots.txt, do a Live test in GSC’s URL Inspector. If it says the URL can be crawled, then it means something is wrong with your robots.txt.

I hope this article helps you with some of the issues that you could run into while setting up your robots.txt. If you are unsure of how efficiently your website has been set up from an SEO perspective, an SEO audit might be the best path to pursue.

Please feel free to write to us at if you need any assistance with making your website SEO prepared. 

I am part of the CueBlocks Organic Search(SEO) team. I love playing football and reading about Technical SEO. LinkedIn

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