"Leveraging eCommerce for Purpose"

Case Study


How CueForGood helped AllThatGrows in leveraging the Amazon Marketplace as an additional source of consistently growing revenue

An exclusive e-commerce store on Shopify, providing pure & organic seeds of various vegetables, flowers, microgreens, exotic herbs & edible flowers.
For more information, visit: www.AllThatGrows.in.

42.04% increase in revenue from Amazon

24.50% increase in Orders

Comparing Jan 19 - Aug 19 with previous year

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Client’s Situation

Since 2017, AllThatGrows has been offering superior quality, non-hybrid, pure, open-pollinated, GMO-free, and heirloom seeds. Stepping into unchartered territory, it was challenging to generate sales with limited brand awareness in the market. Our primary focus for AllThatGrows was to look for a platform that could give us both - sales and a positive ROI.


We suggested AllThatGrows to use marketplaces like Amazon, Flipkart, Shopclues and PayTm.

AllThatGrows was ready to diversify and expand its business onto multiple Marketplaces/CSEs and needed a team that understood the business model and could help manage the needs, requirements, and updates of each marketplace.

AllThatGrows wanted to increase its prominence and visibility in different CSEs/Marketplaces, reach a wider web audience, and increase their overall sales revenue while keeping the spend within their marketing budget.


With specific inputs from the client, AllThatGrows, we formed a detailed Marketplace Management Strategy that took care of each and every requirement of the business. Due to the diverse seasonal change in the country, the sales of seeds would often vary each month.

The cost per sale would oscillate between 20% to 90%, which made the business lucrative in one month but unrewarding in the next.

Amazon’s Cost per Purchase model was ideal for a business like AllThatGrows because it gave us the liberty to pay for just the sales and not the clicks.




Non-profitable FBA - Amazon offers all its e-retailers an option of storing their products in the Amazon facilities, known as “Fulfillment by Amazon’, which makes the cost of shipping almost negligible. Despite using the FBA privilege, AllThatGrows continued to generate inadequate sales revenue.


Sales Conversion - AllThatGrows, like any other business, needed the sales to convert into sizeable profits in order for it to expand its reach. But that was not possible with just a few clicks and views. After all, if a customer just visits your website, looks at the product but doesn’t buy anything, it doesn’t serve the purpose of running a business.


Brand Awareness - Being a relatively new venture, the most common obstacle that came our way with AllThatGrows was a limited brand awareness among the audience.


Process Undertaken
by CueForGood

  • We initiated the process by establishing a Marketplace Management Program for AllThatGrows that began with an understanding of the product feed formatting on each marketplace. Starting with obtaining GTIN Exemption for the products we deal in, we moved on to add the products on the marketplace. We collected the images for each product and re-sized them according to Amazon’s guidelines.

  • Thereafter, we kept a close eye on the allocated budget, costs, and revenues, adjusting each parameter to gain a positive ROI-driven ranking for all the products. We optimized the product titles, features, descriptions in such a way that the customers could easily discern the USP of the products.

  • Due to the low cost of the products, FBA did not prove fruitful enough for AllThatGrows. So, we decided that instead of using the Amazon facilities to store our products for shipment, we chose to ship the products on our own.

  • Counting on our experience in various marketplaces, we started optimizing the content for AllThatGrows. Once the content gained some traction, we created paid campaigns (sponsored programs) to generate more sales revenue. Optimal keyword research was done and implemented for Amazon.

As AllThatGrows gained brand recognition, we saw a significant rise in sales conversion as well. An excellent customer support team at AllThatGrows helped in creating a unique brand identity that understood and resolved customer queries with utmost efficiency.


Over the course of the years, AllThatGrows has experienced a remarkable increase in orders and the sales revenue generated from them. Even today, CueForGood works hand-in-hand with AllThatGrows to help them in their journey of exponential growth.
Our data shows that our strategy of efficient optimization drove incremental conversions and revenue forAllThatGrows.
AUG 2017 AUG 2019
41,737 REVENUE1,26,369 REVENUE
The overall contribution generated from the paid campaigns was about 1/3rd of the sales from Amazon.

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