"Leveraging eCommerce for Purpose"

Case Study

How CueForGood helped DiamondDesigns run Facebook and Instagram ads from scratch to boost sales in Ireland, achieving 5x Return On Ad Spend (ROAS) in merely 5 months.


In Reach


In Conversions


In Link Clicks


In Impressions

NOTE: The results have been tracked from April 2021 to August 2021.

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Diamond Designs Approach

About the Client

DiamondDesigns is an eCommerce store that offers unique medical and beauty uniforms. Their comprehensive collection involves a full range of functional yet smart workwear for the salon and healthcare industry.


DiamondDesigns, in pursuit of scaling its eCommerce business efficiently, decided to explore the power of social media marketing. To begin with, we suggested running paid campaigns across Facebook and Instagram


  • 1

    Competitive niche

    Because salon and healthcare workwear is an industry that is fairly oversaturated in Ireland, standing out was a challenge.

  • 2

    Limited audience interests

    Finding interests related to the niche was a hard nut to crack since we only had a handful of them to target at our disposal.

  • 3

    Small target location

    Since Ireland is a relatively smaller market and the competition for this niche was high, it posed an issue.

  • 4

    iOS 14 update

    Since the iOS 14 update allows users to opt-out of having their activity tracked, it prevents marketers (like us) from sending personalized advertising to those who opt-out. This was a challenge as tracking conversions became difficult and so did optimising the ads.

What We Did

  • 1

    Understood the client requirements & looked for scope

    After understanding the breadth and depth of the client’s requirements, we evaluated whether Facebook and Instagram ads will prove beneficial for the business and how. Being an oversaturated industry already, we did a competitor analysis and that helped us build a failproof strategy.

  • 2

    Elevated user engagement

    The data from our research revealed that the brand searches for DiamondDesigns were low. Consequently, the first step was to raise brand awareness which is why we chose to enhance user engagement by boosting potential posts.

  • 3

    Filtered relevant audience

    Target audiences can be segmented into categories like interest, demographics, location, etc. We targeted the interests of our relevant audience that included nurses, healthcare professionals, salon workers, and more. After starting with broader interests, the target audience was narrowed down further.

  • 4

    Expanded the Ad targeting

    To scale ad targeting, we built a lookalike audience which is an audience that is most likely to bring business because it is similar to the best existing customers.

  • 5

    Accentuated brand loyalty

    Since remarketing ads have higher chances of conversions, we built remarketing and dynamic remarketing audiences to attract users who had previously engaged with the business. This fostered trust and promoted the audience with purchase intent signals in the past to convert.

  • 6

    Experimented with the creatives

    Because user engagement with the ads is very important, we kept experimenting with new creatives and videos to attract customers. Right from testimonial ads to product-centric ads, we tried them all to know what works best and leveraged the same.

Ads & Audiences Used

  • Diamond DesignsApproach


  • Diamond DesignsApproach


  • Diamond DesignsApproach


  • Diamond DesignsApproach


  • Diamond DesignsApproach


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In Reach


In Conversions


In Link Clicks


In Impressions


Want to increase your ROAS from what you have right now? It is possible and we’ve shown you how!

In case your plate is full and you’re looking for a trusted pair of hands to create a bespoke social media strategy for your business, you can get in touch with us at letstalk@cueforgood.com.

We’d love to help you out.

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