"Leveraging eCommerce for Purpose"

Case Study

Perenial cycle logo

How CueForGood helped this Minnesota based online store for bikes, and trikes optimize Google Shopping Engine to achieve a 616.91% increase in revenue.


increase in


decrease in
Cost Per Click (CPC)


increase in


increase in

NOTE: Comparing the results from Google Shopping Engine for the month of Jan 2020 vs June 2020.

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Client’s Situation

As a company that focuses on bringing bikes and trikes to people’s lives for good, Perennial Cycle, realized that running shopping ads has the potential to exhibit their products and engage new audiences. The brand had experimented with shopping engine ads in the past and felt it was in its best interest to engage an expert in the domain for help and establish a more substantial online presence.


We started by following the three ​R​ rule:

Curated a set of ​Right Products to match the ​Right Search Queries
at the ​Right Price ​(CPC)

Here’s how we translated this rule of thumb into tactics to drive more business:

Right Products

We studied the entire range of products and selected a few hot-selling ones that had a high average order value.

Our approach

  • Broke a single campaign into multiple campaigns/ad-groups according to different categories/brands.
  • Increased bids for products that were fast-selling and decreased bids for the ones that were not catching everyone’s eye.

As a result, the company saw an increase in traffic and a spike in Average Order Value (AOV) and overall revenue.

Right Search Queries

The beauty of shopping engines is that they allow you to choose a set of keywords for which the shopping ads should appear. While most advertisers are aware of this, they at times are not successful in implementing the strategy of picking the right search queries with efficiency.

Our approach

  • Conducted a search query analysis to pick the keywords that could help in optimizing the product feed.
  • For keywords that were bringing in significant traffic, but not resulting in corresponding conversions were just eating away the marketing budget. We added such keywords as ‘negatives’ and hence rejected this non-converting/ non-relevant traffic altogether.

Right Price

Our goal here was not to pay the minimum amount for each click and get cheap traffic irrespective of its relevance. Instead, we were focussing on getting highly relevant, quality traffic at the desired CPC.

Our approach

  • Lowered CPCs for non-profitable and low-performing products.
  • Moved away from “Maximise Clicks” bid strategy and opted for Manual CPC.
  • Based on campaign performance, we increased the shopping engine budgets to accommodate the growing relevant traffic.

“They under-promise and over-perform. They don’t glue jewels to anything, rather they speak plainly about how much time and money something will take. Then, they do it faster and better than I expect. It happens every time, and it’s unbelievable to me.”

Luke Breen

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  • Shopping ads toppled Google Organic as the number one source for traffic and the most number of transactions. Also, a majority of visitors from Shopping ads consisted of new users.
  • The number of transactions from Google Shopping increased by 928.94% resulting in a 616.91% increase in revenue from the channel.
  • With a 25% decrease in Cost Per Click (CPC), we were able to increase the relevant traffic, from the channel, by 1413.28%.
perennialcycle cycle

These results were a great encouragement for our experts assisting the client. The improvements in the KPIs were astronomical and proved the fact that with a focused optimization strategy the Google Shopping Engine channel can be a huge source of revenue generation.

If there’s one positive take away from what has happened over the past few months due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it’s that hard work and dedication always work wonders. The revenue and business wasn’t impacted even during the uncertain times that the world was facing.

On that note, we continue to modify, test, and optimize our strategies for the client.

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